Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Would You Try This Diet?

My morning ritual always means watching CNBC. This morning on Squawk Box they interviewed David Asprey, author of a book called "The Bulletproof Diet."

I started reading his website.  He has an interesting background so now my interest peaked.

He has put together a way of eating, although for most of us I believe a difficult diet to follow.

One thing he does mention about his diet is to avoid gluten.  I know we hear it time and time again, so maybe it makes sense to give it a trial run.  Even if we just eliminate one item from our eating habits, it may be worth a try.  

There are about 14 components to his diet, some of which are easier than others.

Then there is his coffee recipe.  Since I am a major black coffee drinker, I'm a bit hesitant to try his coffee recipe since it not black after you add in the ingredients. Trying to get the nerve up.

I thought I would share this, even before I even drank the coffee, for all you brave souls out there.  Besides, you can read about his diet, sign up for emails and listen to his podcasts.

The coffee recipe:  https://www.bulletproofexec.com/how-to-make-your-coffee-bulletproof-and-your-morning-too/

The website:  https://www.bulletproofexec.com/

1 comment:

  1. Cool! I'm not brave enough to try it, but thanks for posting!
