Sunday, January 3, 2016

Netflix: Making A Murderer...A Must See!

A Netflix Documentary

After finishing this multi-hour documentary on Netflix, you can't help wanting to scream at someone.  The frustration you feel while watching this incredible documentary about the Justice system only makes your heart palpitate too fast and the anger you feel adds to the level of frustration.

The lawyers involved for the Defense were those you would want working for you if you were accused of a criminal act. But even they were working against all odds considering the twisting of evidence presented.

With all the news coverage of this trial, more than likely you already know about the man, Steven Avery, accused of a murder he said he did not commit. But to see all those involved, on both sides of the equation, you start to understand how this spiraled out of control.

The documentary covers so many details, the accused man's family, relatives, the police, lawyers on both sides, the investigators, judges and most of all, the District Attorney, who subsequently was removed from office for a non-related offense.  And believe me, when you see him in action, you can only hope something happens to him. 

Thanks to the writers/directors Moira Demos and Laura Ricciardi, for this eye opening film.  They are continuing to follow Steven Avery as he, while in prison, is working on his own defense.  He had exhausted all appeals and is no longer entitled to a court appointed lawyer. Here is a link to read about them:

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